Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Detox is OVER....

So, my second weigh in was very successful although I know this is because I was still doing my detox.  I did the detox for a total of 13 days.  This was probably the hardest part,  I was very limited on the foods I could eat, but I always new it was temporary.  I also knew that by doing the detox for as long as possible I would lose more weight faster.  In total during the first two weeks of the diet I have a lost a total of 15 lbs.  I have recently changed up my diet, so I am eating more foods, so It will be exciting to see where the next weigh in takes me.  I know that my weight loss from here on out will not be as drastic, but I needed this jump start to get me started. 

One of my favorite parts about MD Diet so far has been going in for my weigh ins and vitamin B shots.  The nurses and staff are so nice.  Every time I get my shot I ask the nurse a million lame questions about when I should eat, what I should eat and what I can do to optimize my weight loss at the quickest pace.  They are so nice and so knowledgeable.  It is so great to be able to ask weight loss questions and get the answer in a clinical sense.  I am have a very math oriented mind, and I love breaking down the calories, fat, and carbs to find out exactly how the food is going to affect me. 

Last night I went to dinner with some friends, and someone at the table knew the chef, so he hand delivered Russian Creme, and a deep fried Cheesecake to our table as a custom dessert he prepared for us.  I was so proud of myself that I refrained completely.  I know there will be sacrifices along the way, and although it sucks, it is nice to know that when all this is over I will have something to show for it, and that I will have my indulgences in check....and maybe once in a while I will take a bite, but until then, I am a stone wall.